Article V - Officers, Board Of Directors, and Executive Committee


The officers of the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs (VFMC) shall be elected and appointed.

A. The elected officers shall be President, First Vice President in charge of the Senior Division, Second Vice President in charge of the Student Division, Third Vice President in charge of the Junior Division, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.

B. The appointed officers shall be: Chaplain, VFMC Editor, Finance Chair, Parliamentarian, and Past Presidents’ Assembly Chair.


A. The term for elected and appointed State officers shall be two (2) consecutive years. They shall assume their duties at the close of the Annual Convention at which they are elected or appointed. The Treasurer and Appointed officers shall be eligible to serve in the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Elected Officers shall also be eligible to serve in the same office for more than two (2) consecutive TERMS with a majority vote of the Board of Directors AND a majority vote of enrolled delegates at the Annual Convention.

B. The elected Virginia Representative to the National Board, and the Member-at-Large Nominee (if elected by National), shall take office immediately following the installation of officers at the NFMC Convention in odd-numbered years in accordance with Article XII, Section 4.


No one shall be elected to office that has not served as a member of the Board of Directors for at least two years. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be exempt from this requirement.


A.    The Board of Directors shall consist of the Elected and Appointed Officers, District Directors, Senior Club Presidents, Chairs of Departments and Standing Committees, all Past Presidents of the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs (VFMC), the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) Board Members, Life Members, and Senior Individual Members and members of active Senior organizations whose dues are currently paid in full for the current year.
B.    The Board of Directors shall make up the voting body of the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs (VFMC) at the Annual Convention and/or the VFMC Fall Board Meeting.
C.    Fifteen (15) voting members, exclusive of Past Presidents, shall constitute a quorum.


A.  The Executive Committee shall consist of the Elected Officers, all Past Presidents of the VFMC, the District Directors, and the National Board representative.
B.  A majority of members, exclusive of Past Presidents, shall constitute a quorum.
C.  The Executive Committee shall carry on necessary business of the VFMC between meetings of the Board of Directors, and any business referred to it by the Board.  A report of its work shall be given at the next meeting of the Board.
D.  Business needing immediate attention, which in the opinion of the President does not warrant calling a meeting of the Executive Committee, may be transacted by mail or email.  A majority vote shall be necessary to consider the result the opinion of the Executive Committee.  
E.  The Recording Secretary shall immediately report the result of the vote to each member of the Committee, and shall give a complete report of the ballots at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.


There shall be no salaried officers. Necessary expenses incurred by officers or persons in the special services of the Federation may be paid from the general treasury only by order of the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.