Article III - Membership


Membership in the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs (VFMC) shall be composed of:

A. Music clubs and kindred organizations whose purpose is to encourage, develop and maintain high musical standards, and

B. Individuals directly or indirectly interested in the promotion of musical activity.


The membership shall be three divisions: Senior, Student, and Junior.


The membership of the Senior Division shall be classified as Active, Associate or Honorary.

A. The Active Membership of the Senior Division shall be either organization or individual.

1. Organizations formed for the purpose of promoting the study or performance of music, such as adult music clubs, choral societies, choirs, festivals, orchestral organizations, music teachers’ associations, dance groups, family and other music groups shall be eligible for active membership.

2. Individual Membership shall be classified as Individual or Life.

a. Senior Individual Membership: Any individual interested in the advancement of music may become a Senior Individual Member upon payment of annual dues as provided in Article IX, Section 4.

b. Life Membership: Shall be conferred upon an individual on the payment of Life Membership Fee to be determined by the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC). A Life Member shall have all the privileges of active membership and shall be exempt from the payment of state and national annual dues. An individual who establishes residence in another state remains a Life Member of the State Federation in which the original Life Membership fee was paid. Should the individual wish active participation in the affairs of the state of current residency, dues for membership shall be paid in that state.

c. A Life Member may change to a higher membership status by paying the difference in fees.

B. Associate Membership

1. Organizations formed for the purpose of promoting a specific musical project such as choral societies, orchestra/orchestra associations, opera companies/opera guilds, music teachers’ organizations, local alumni chapters of music fraternities or sororities, church choirs, church orchestras, church bands, etc. and groups dedicated to the promotion of a concert series in their own community, may become Associate Members. Such associate organizations may send representatives to the meetings of the State/National Federation of Music Clubs, but shall not be entitled to make motions, to vote, or to hold office.

2. Local musical organizations holding regular meetings for the transaction of business and the presentation of programs shall not be eligible for Associate Membership, except those groups organized specifically to promote a musical project.

C. Honorary Membership may be conferred upon an individual who has achieved distinction in music or has rendered outstanding service to the Federation, by unanimous vote of the eligible voters present and voting at the Annual Convention and/or VFMC Board Meeting, upon recommendation of the Board of Directors. An Honorary Membership may be revoked in the same manner.

1. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to make motions, to vote or to hold office. They shall be exempt from the payment of dues.

2. The title of Honorary Membership shall not preclude active membership for those who desire active membership with its accompanying obligations of dues and service.


The membership of the Student Division shall be limited to young people between the ages of 19 and 26, and shall be classified as organization or individual.

A. The Active Membership in the Student Division may be either organization or individual.

1. Organizations: Musical organizations whose members are within the 19-26 year age bracket are eligible for active membership.

2. An Individual Student may become a Student/Collegiate Individual Member upon the payment of dues as provided in Article IX. Section 4.

B. Associate Membership: College groups, music schools and departments choirs, bands, orchestras, and similar organizations in the 19 – 26 year age bracket who do not wish active participation in the business affairs of the Federation may become Associate Members.


The membership of the Junior Division shall be limited to individuals and organizations whose members are not over 18 years of age, and shall be classified as Active, Associate or Cradle Roll.

A. The Active Membership in the Junior Division may be either organization or individual.

1. Organization: All Junior Music Clubs, bands, orchestras, choirs, choruses and similar organizations whose members are not more than 18 years of age may become active members of the Junior Division.

2. An Individual in the Junior Division may become a Junior Individual Member upon the payment of dues as provided in Article IX, Section 4.

B. Associate Membership: Junior Clubs and organizations such as bands, orchestras, choirs and choruses, who do not wish active participation in the business affairs of the Federation may become Associate Members.

C. The Cradle Roll: Children from birth to five years of age shall be eligible for membership in the Cradle Roll upon payment of the Cradle Roll fee as provided in Article IX, Section 4.


All applications for membership, accompanied by the first year’s dues, shall be made to the VFMC Treasurer who shall notify the appropriate Extension Chair and Individual Membership Chair.


A. Resignation: Any organization in good standing may resign by sending written resignation to the VFMC President and Corresponding Secretary who in turn shall notify the State Treasurer. No resignation shall be accepted from a group whose current dues have not been paid.

B. Reinstatement: Any organization, which resigns in good standing, may be reinstated on application. A membership forfeited for nonpayment of dues shall require the payment of a reinstatement fee as provided in Article IX Section 3.