November 2023
VFMC Code of Conduct


All participants in Federation events deserve a positive experience that reflects well on them personally and on the Federation. This includes an expectation of civil behavior. No VFMC member or their family should have to deal with violence, verbal abuse, threats, reprisals or retribution, harassment, discrimination or fear at any event associated with the Federation.

This Code of Conduct sets forth guidelines for behavior at all Federation events within VFMC and its constituent clubs. Events include any gathering of members for such purposes as meetings, concerts, classes, or competitions (including Festival). The Code applies to all individuals present at the event, whether members (Senior, Collegiate or Junior), outside speakers/performers, or attendees, no matter their role(s) at the event.


All participants will

  • Follow rules established by the venue; the insurance company; the event officials; and NFMC or VFMC, especially such written rules and guidelines as the Federation Festivals Bulletin, or any standing rules established for NFMC, VFMC, or Senior Club meetings.

  • Treat everyone present with respect and courtesy.

  • Behave in a law-abiding and professional manner in all interactions.

  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of performers in any competition/judging setting.

  • Treat the venue and its property and rented instruments or equipment with care.

  • Refer all issues and concerns directly to the Event Chair after the conclusion of the event or in private discussion.

Audience members and student performers will

  • Give polite attention to all performers.

  • Avoid distracting with obvious noise, movement, recording, or flash photography.

  • Avoid boisterous behavior outside of performance or meeting rooms.

Judges will

  • Maintain objectivity, integrity, and professionalism in the exercise of their duties.

  • Protect confidentiality of results and avoid commenting on performances in public.

  • Maintain a kind and encouraging demeanor toward students and families.

Teachers will

  • Treat others’ students graciously.

  • Make event coordinators aware in advance of any special considerations required.

  • Console upset student contestants/parents without promising adjustment of scores.

  • Bring grievances or disagreements directly to the Event Chair and no one else.

Event Chairs and their team/staff/committee members will

  • Guide participants and visitors with courtesy.

  • Accept criticism with grace, calm and reason.

  • Do their best to settle complaints or disagreements fairly and promptly.

  • The Event Chair is responsible for enforcing the Code of Conduct.


The following will be considered inappropriate behavior which will not be tolerated at any event within the purview of VFMC or portion thereof:

  • Physical violence.

  • Confrontational, aggressive, threatening, or excessively loud and disruptive speech.

  • Personal remarks or commentary denigrating another’s appearance or performance.

  • Giving out personal contact information of any Event, Club or VFMC official or member to an aggrieved parent or other angry individual.

  • Damage to the location or others’ property.

  • Deliberate theft.

  • Intoxication or impairment due to alcohol or drugs; or possession of intoxicants or illegal substances at the venue.

  • Using (misusing) event organizational documents or data for any but the intended purpose.

  • Other deliberate rule-breaking or disruptive behaviors not designated above, to be determined at the discretion of the Event Chair.


Any of the above inappropriate behaviors by anyone present at a VFMC event may result in:

  • Immediate expulsion from the current room, venue, or event.

  • Disciplinary action including disqualification; a letter of censure from the sponsoring club; a single-year or multi-year suspension from that event; or a ban from future participation in that or in any local Federation event.

  • Law Enforcement action. Illegal behavior (including, but not limited to, threats, assault, battery, possession of illegal substances, theft, stalking) may be reported to police.

  • Referral to the State Chair of the event in question, the District Director, or the VFMC President for further disciplinary action.


  • The Event Chair (or, if a regular meeting, the highest Club or VFMC officer present) will determine whether the Code of Conduct has been breached. They may expel individuals in breach of the Code from the current event at their discretion.

  • Disciplinary action will be decided upon by the Event Chair in cooperation with the Club President, District Director, State Event Chair (for example, the State Festivals Chair), and/or VFMC President, as applicable. Their decision is final. The offender may request an explanation of their offense and disciplinary action from the highest officer involved in the disciplinary process. Both the request and the explanation should be in writing and will be kept in VFMC files with the Event Chair’s report for reference.

  • The Event Chair must notify the State Event Chair and the VFMC Board of any individuals in breach of the Code of Conduct who have been expelled or disciplined at the Senior Club level.

  • Repeated offenses by the same individual at events sponsored by VFMC or any of its component Senior Clubs may result in permanent termination of the offender’s membership or participation in the VFMC and any of its Senior Clubs. A disciplinary action at any level should be considered a warning.