VFMC Summer Music Camp Scholarship Award
Junior – Performance (All instruments)
There are many NFMC supported Summer Music Camps throughout the country available to music students. You can find links to these camps in this information sheet (PDF).
You can win up to $2500 in scholarship money to these camps by following a two-step process:
1. Select and Apply to a Summer Music Camp
2. Apply for the VFMC Summer Music Camps Scholarship
- Student must have reached 15th but not the 19th birthday by application deadline of April 21
- Student must be a resident of Virginia
- Teacher must be a VFMC member
- Competition open to all instruments and piano
- Applicant must be accepted to a summer music camp to receive the award
- All awards will be sent directly to the camp
Entry fee
up to $2500
Deadline for applications
April 21, 2018
1. Select and Apply to a Summer Music Camp
Applications to the camps are found online through each camp’s individual website. Once you have selected a summer camp from the information sheet below, please read all the requirements, insure you meet those requirements to attend, and apply in time to make the deadline. For each camp, fill out the application provided on its website. Many deadlines are in the fall and early winter of the year prior to your desired attendance to that camp, so make sure you are thinking ahead and apply on time. Several camps offer discounts to those who apply early. Once you have been accepted to the camp proceed to the next step.
Summer Music Camp Awards Information Sheet
2. Apply for the VFMC Summer Music Camps Scholarship
After you have been accepted to a summer music camp, apply for the Summer Music Camps Scholarship offered by the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs. Download and complete the application form. Send the completed application form, $25 entry fee, letter of acceptance, and a 10-minute DVD recording of you playing two compositions representing contrasting styles of music and demonstrating your technical and musical ability to THe VFMC Chair.
VFMC Chair
Julianne Boyce
VFMC Summer Music Camps Chair
11349 Barnes Road
Catlett, VA 20119